Landing pages are one of the most important aspects of digital marketing campaigns that companies can use for their business growth. Landing pages are separate web pages whose sole motive is to convince people who visit the site to take a specific action. Landing pages get huge traffic from signed-up newsletters or by PPC ads and various advertising campaigns that appear on social media therefore their conversion rates are higher than any other normal web page.
Many people get confused between home pages and landing pages but there is a huge difference between both of them. Homepage caters to a wider audience as it contains various information and tabs about the brand search, viz. contact information, about us, work with us, and different services that they provide whereas landing pages are specially designed for the content that transforms visitors into Leads.
Companies use landing pages to provide clear information about their brand or any product that they are selling. It helps them to interact with their potential customer and give them a clear idea about what they as a marketer are offering.
We at Creative Keedas help you build your landing page in such a manner that provides insightful information regarding your brand and the service that you are providing to your leads. We design landing pages with meaningful graphics and relevant information about the brand that also contains a signup column for the users which helps your company to get a higher conversion rate.
For business growth in the digital marketing world, a landing page is of utmost importance. let’s see how!

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“The first impression is the last impression”. Landing pages in some cases act as a first impression of a brand in the audience because there are many chances that people get to know about your brand through your website therefore it is very important for you to build your landing page strategically so that it gives relevant information about what your brand is and what you are offering them here because if a company’s landing page impresses people will tend to engage more with the brand.
The information on landing pages is direct and on point with brand services and products. This feature of landing pages helps people to get to know about the brand quickly and clearly. The on-point information gives an advantage to the companies as it helps customers to make up their minds instantly if the information provided by the site is of their benefit and interest.
Landing pages are very helpful for companies to understand what kind of customers are engaging with their brand. Once customers sign up for the newsletter or any webinar and companies get their personal information, that they can further use it to generate more leads. This helps companies in getting clear information about the prospects that are engaging with their brand and they can use it to boost their sale in the future.
Companies can lead people to their landing page through a sponsored ad because there are higher chances that people might get confused on your website and will not be able to find relevant information as the homepage contains a lot of information about different things. People find direct information on landing pages that compel them to take an action rather than just visiting. The more people take action the more companies can get conversion rates.
Business growth in digital marketing is all about expansion and promotion and landing pages fulfill that requirement as well. Companies can provide different links on the landing pages that can take potential customers to different sites that contain relevant information so that they can reach the brand by organic search. Landing pages can contain tabs for various social media platforms of a company that will also help to engage more following on social media platforms of a brand.
Companies can use landing pages for introducing any new product or service in the market. Generally, the services and the products that companies provide are listed on a particular tab under the home page and there are very less chances that everyone who visits a home page clicks on every tab. On landing pages, by providing information regarding their new product or new services companies can engage more people.
Landing pages communicate the actual core values and company culture to the people. Once people start connecting with the values that the company holds they tend to engage with the brand more and the more they engage with the brand the more they get to know about the services that they provide. For business growth, landing pages create brand awareness by targeting prospective customers in digital marketing.
Reviews have become an important aspect of buying a product or service from any company. Companies can put the reviews and experience of their past customers on the landing page which helps potential customers to make up their minds. This helps companies to build credibility among customers which is beneficial for any business in the long run.
Companies can optimize their landing page by using an A/B testing strategy. There are many components of landing pages that work better than the others and if you are skeptical about what works best for your brand you can incorporate different components by creating different landing pages for your brand and accordingly analyze the result of both the landing pages. You can incorporate the one that brings heavy traffic to your landing page.
Heavy traffic is always very important for business growth on the digital platform and a well-strategized landing page can bring huge traffic organically to your site. Companies just have to put in various famous keywords that can help people to search your website organically. If a landing page is well organized and attractive people will anyhow take interest in the larger side of your brand which will lead to more engagement.
With most of the importance of landing pages that we have discussed above one can comprehend that landing pages support the business goals directly. The major goal of a business is to expand and promote its product to the target audience and landing pages are everything related to that goal. landing pages bring in more engagement of people through signing up for newsletters and by email registrations which help companies to analyze their success rate.
Landing pages can be used as the best source when it comes to engaging people for a particular event. Companies can provide the details of the upcoming events such as webinars or any conference that they conduct on the landing pages and can also include the sign-up column which helps the audience to get in touch with the event easily.
How useful landing pages can be for business growth in the digital marketing world is a topic that has no end. We discussed above the importance for companies to have a well-optimized and designed landing page above and many companies keep on organizing and changing their landing pages. To organize a landing page they take the help of various digital marketing agencies. As this article shared in the beginning, how we at Creative Keedas help companies to design their landing pages so that they can get numerous benefits out of it, or sometimes it does on their own as well.
Dear Readers, If you have any queries/suggestions feel free to reach out to us through the comment section. We would love to hear from our visitors!
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